
Why I believe Harold Camping's false prophesy was good for Christians

     I am a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I fully believe that one day Jesus Christ will return to earth, but as the bible says, no man can know the hour or the day, not even the angels  in heaven, but only the Father knows.
     When Camping made his prediction, I chuckled a bit, then I wanted to know why he thought the "rapture," which I do not believe in, seeing as it is not mentioned in the scriptures nor has it been mentioned by the apostles and prophets of today who lead the church I belong to, would occur May 21, 2011. His reasoning was a bit odd, with the numbering a bit random as it appeared to me, and claiming to know exact dates of biblical events is also a bit nonsensical. I asked myself, why am I taking such an interest in this?
     I discovered that my curiosity peaked, not because a false prophet had made a prediction that failed, but because God can send his Son to return anytime, and we must always be ready.
     My roommate mentioned to me that he hoped it wasn't on May 21, 2011 because he wasn't ready, I asked him why and he said that he wanted to be as close to Christ as possible when he returns. I thought for a moment and realized that this false prophecy is simply a reminder to me that I need to always be ready for the return of Christ.
     I don't consider myself a fanatical or extremist Christian, but I do consider myself a Christian, and like the bible says, no man can know the hour or the day...and with that being said, it's important to always be ready. If you are interested in the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, check out lds.org or mormon.org.

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