
Wiping Your Eyes After Eating Wasabi Peas

I think there are a lot of people out there who make some pretty awesome decisions in life and then, there's me. People like me have to learn things by first making the wrong decisions.

You know when you were a kid and your parents would let you make those mistakes so you would learn and not do them again? Like touching the hot stove (I really hope nobody's parents let them touch a hot stove, just to learn a lesson) or eating too much sugar...yeah, I don't think anyone's parents did that either...see I am learning a lesson here, don't start a blog post and give examples when you don't have any. Well, I want to tell you about some great things I have done that have taught me lessons in my life. 

Today at work I was snacking on some wasabi peas. If you haven't ever had them, I highly recommend them. They have the same satisfying crunch as a chip but they are actually quite healthy. Anyway, the pea is covered in wasabi, which as you guessed, is spicy. I kept munching and then rubbed my eye...about 5 min later I couldn't even see because my eye was having a large needle stuck into it (figurative of course, wow, that would be super graphic and unfortunate if that really happened). So the lesson here, just eat your food and don't rub your eyes.

So what about an actual lesson that I have learned from a mistake I made? Well, I've yet to ACTUALLY learn anything in my life but I have one recent experience that I think comes close to me becoming a better human being and learning something.

I recently attending a wedding where I didn't know a whole lot of people, in fact, I knew two people, no, not even the bride and groom. I knew the parents of the bride from a previous event and they invited me down to their home...it just so happened they were having her wedding reception the weekend I was there. Great. So, I went, alone, to a wedding reception, got some food and started chatting with this random couple who seemed to corral me like I was a lost puppy and they needed to take care of me. We had a positive conversation and parted ways. I was left alone again and pulled out my phone and hopped on Twitter. I began to tweet things that I only wish I had the guts to actually do. Here's the string of tweets I sent including the last one from the car...I deserve to be slapped. 

Later, this same family invited me back to their home and I met more of them. One of their daughters then asked me if I had a Twitter account...ummmmmmmmmmm?

So I hesitantly said yes and panicked for the next hour as I knew she would certainly read all the asinine comments I had made a few weeks before.

I still don't know if she did or didn't read those posts but, I certainly learned a lesson. Don't make a fool out of yourself because it certainly WILL come back and bite you in the behind.

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